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12/23/2013 03:14

i found this on tumblr

When it happens, you won’t want to believe it. You’ll take their word for it when they say they’re busy, swamped at work, “just doing me.” You’ll make excuses for them, put your ringer on extra loud in case they call. But you’ll still feel the change, and because you can’t rationalize it, you’ll try to ignore it.

It’s a specific kind of loneliness that hits you like a wave of nausea. When the two of you are having a beer and you realize that you have both been staring out the same window for twenty minutes, nothing to say, the opposite of a comfortable silence. When they cancel plans consistently and stall when giving you reasons. When you scroll through your contacts and stop at their name and almost call but don’t, feeling suddenly, inexplicably, abandoned and confused.

Sometimes there’s no huge fight that marks the end of a friendship. No falling out, no major disagreement. Sometimes it just falls apart for no good reason. Distance. New relationships. Priorities. Somehow these things can become more important than your connection; they shouldn’t but they do. And as we get older we tend to downsize, prioritize. Trim the corners of our lives, keeping what’s important and discarding what isn’t. Sometimes we stop needing people in our lives and it isn’t even conscious. No one wakes up in the morning actively thinking “Hmm, I think I’ll stop being friends with so-and-so today.” It just goes out with an empty fizz, like a cigarette hitting the bottom of a Coke can.

In so many ways, losing a close friend is worse than losing a lover. Lovers are transient for the most part but friends are supposed to be there for you always, or so we like to believe. Friendship is a special kind of love that’s not supposed to fade. You never expect the one person you thought you could always depend on to disappear without saying goodbye. And when they do you feel sickeningly stupid and cheated, wondering what you meant to them all along, whether you were just convenient or in the right place at the right time. You never really know for sure.

You look through pictures from back when you were happy — holding each other up drunk and ecstatic, working on art projects on a rainy Sunday afternoon — and can’t understand what happened. Reach for the phone. Attach a photo to an email, start the subject line with some fusion of “Remember this?” and “I miss you…” Get suddenly overwhelmed by a horrible emptiness and discard the draft, leaving the phone untouched. History. So much history flushed down a dirty sink.

And the worst part is, you don’t even know how to explain yourself. You know if you bring this up with them they’ll give you a blank expression and a blank excuse. You don’t want to explain how you feel. You can’t. You just want them to get it, to read you like they used to be able to. You want to take them by the shoulders and shake them, screaming Where are you? What happened?! Until you’re blue in the face. But you can’t do that either, because you’re no longer on the same level and it’s going to make you feel crazy.

In life, it’s a given that you will lose people. People will flow in and out like curtains through an open window, sometimes for no reason at all. But losing someone important to you will feel like a suckerpunch every single time, and you’ll never see it coming. Which makes the friendships that do hold out, the ones that make it through countless breakdowns and breakthroughs and changes and years, so damn important.

Suicide Room
12/17/2013 03:05

Suicide room is a poland movie .don't call me crazy cause i watched that movie in polish . yup, poland's language . believe me, i wouldn't even understand a single word they said but thank god they has english subs so its easy for me to understand. so yeah,The movie begins with the opera Orpheus in the Underworld, introducing Dominik Santorski and his parent's life. His parents have success-driven careers and are out of touch with their son's life. Dominik is popular at his private school, but is also spoiled by the perks given to him by his wealthy parents. While at school, his friends stumble upon a self-harm video while using his computer. Later, he watches the rest of the self-harm video and leaves a comment for the poster.
While drinking at an after-prom party, a girl admits to lesbian experimentation. She agrees to demonstrate for her friends, to their amusement. Dominik is then asked to kiss a boy, Aleksander, for the group's continued amusement. A video of the kiss is posted to a social media site, and Dominik's friends tease him about the kissing in the following days. He plays along, returning Alexander's 'pretend' longing gaze. Later at judo practice, Dominik and Aleksander are sparing, and Dominik becomes pinned beneath his friend. During the struggle that follows, Dominik is excited to the point of ejaculation. This event is relayed to a social media site, which angers Dominik.
From his previous comment to the self-harm video, he is invited to join a 3D social network. He meets Sylwia (Sylvia), a suicidal girl who cuts and wears a mask, in 'Sala Samobójców' (The Suicide Room). In The Suicide Room, the group members watch films of people killing themselves. Sylwia and Dominik develop a bond, and Dominik begins skipping school to spend more time with her.
Dominik and his family attend another opera, where they try to pair him with another family's daughter. Dominik acts out by insisting that he's gay and making out with one of the male busts in the lobby. His parents, embarrassed by Dominik's outburst, are angry with him and force him to go back to school. He returns home and sees a posted video showing shadow puppets (named after Dominik and Aleksander) engaging in various homosexual acts. The video drives Dominik to tears and causes him to rampage through his room.
Sylwia mocks him for being upset; she says that he is different from others and encourages him to scare the normal people. Dominik changes his style, adopting the hair styles and clothing of the emo subculture, and takes his father's gun to school. When Aleksander approaches him with some friends after school, Dominik panics and runs to the safety of a taxi. When recounting the incident to Sylwia, he claims that he had scared his friend and was in total control of the situation. They return to The Suicide Room and Dominik finds out that Sylwia is a shut-in and has not left her room in 3 years. Dominik stays locked in his room for 10 days talking with her and refuses to eat. These events go unnoticed by his parents, who often spend days out of the house on business and engage in extramarital sexual affairs. Eventually, their housekeeper calls the police, who break in Dominik's bedroom door and find him sitting in a pool of his blood beside a broken mirror. He is sent to a hospital and kept in a psychiatric ward for 3 days. His parents arrive to take him home claiming that there is nothing wrong with him, and he should not be wasting time at the hospital when he should be studying for his final exams.
When Dominik returns home and goes back to The Suicide Room, he hears the group discussing their plans for suicide, but they refuse to discuss it with him. Upon hearing that his parents are trying to get him to speak with a psychiatrist, Sylwia opens up to him. She tells him a love story that ends with the lovers killing themselves with pills and alcohol. After telling Dominik that this is how she wants to die, she begs him to get pills for her from the doctor.
At the behest of the psychiatrist, Dominik's parents write him a letter. He reads it to Sylwia, who finds it hilarious, before ripping the letter up. His parents decide that the doctor's methods will not cure Dominik before his final exams, so they demand the name of one that will simply give him drugs. When the new doctor arrives and interviews Dominik, Sylwia feeds him answers that will lead the doctor to give him the right pills. He follows the lines Sylwia gives him, but continually remarks about how no one should want to die, in a plea to make her reconsider her suicide.
As Dominik and Sylwia discuss where to meet and transfer the pills(drugs i guess), Dominik's father rips out the router before their plans are set. Dominik panics, bouncing from threatening to kill his parents to begging his 'Mummy' to help her son. His mother attempts to plug the cords back in, but his father stops her. Dominik bursts from his room and collapses. Later, he explains to his parents what The Suicide Room is. He tells them that the members are his new family, but his parents ban him from returning, even to explain that he cannot come back.
Still wanting to see Sylwia, he takes the pills to the bar they had discussed. The bartender forces him to order something, which leads to Dominik drinking a large beer. He heads to the bathroom and decides to dump the pills. After throwing a few handfuls into the toilet, Dominik takes one of the pills followed by two more handfuls. Dominik finds a couple who are kissing, and he started filming them. They take the camera and begin filming Dominik's delirium. He mocks his father and himself, laughing at his own drunken imitations. He returns to the bar and sees Sylwia waiting for him. They walk to the middle of the dance floor and kiss passionately. For the first time in the film, Dominik is happy.
Later at The Suicide Room, Sylwia is talking to her followers discussing Dominik's long absence from the group,like way too long. They see Dominik's avatar walk up and learn that it is his mother using his account. She thanks them for being there and supporting her son, and announces that he has died (Dominik's encounter with Sywlia at the bar was a hallucination). Sylwia rips the internet cord out from the wall and stumbles through her room, knocking over piles of garbage. She opens her door and goes outside for the first time in three years, bawling and screaming in the grass out front.
The movie ends with Dominik's parents at a ballet, though divorced and sitting in different places. The drunk couple's footage of Dominik is interspersed with the ballet. It is revealed that, instead of returning to the bar, Dominik was screaming for his parents in the bathroom of the bar as he died from overdosing. He sticks his fingers down his throat in an attempt to throw up the pills but it is already too late. The video ends up on The Suicide Room wall...
 Scary shit . 

And since that, i love jakub gierszal so much omfg i just wanna ........ not gonna say it cause its public . you know what im saying,he's just so cute i just cant . wow he's gorgeous and he's mine. and HE IS NOT GAY HE'S DATING A GIRL NOW AND THAT HURTS 

Surviving Cancer
11/27/2013 03:12

Today i am here is because i wanted to tell a story. An inspiration to give. Yes , this story that im about to tell you is true. Its about breast cancer. Let me tell you something about cancer. Cancer is actually  a starting point of death. Yes , this might scares you . 

I have an auntie who's struggling cancer. She over 50 years old(i dont actually remember how old she is). ok in cancer, theres 4 stages . 

stage 1 :These cancers are still relatively small and either have not spread to the lymph nodes (N0) or have a tiny area of cancer spread in the sentinel lymph node (N1mi)

Stage 2 :These cancers are larger and/or have spread to a few nearby lymph nodes

Stage 3 :For a cancer to be stage III, the tumor must be large (greater than 5 cm or about 2 inches across) or growing into nearby tissues (the skin over the breast or the muscle underneath), or the cancer has spread to many nearby lymph nodes. Local treatment for some stage III breast cancers is largely the same as that for stage II breast cancers. Tumors that are small enough (and have not grown into nearby tissues) may be removed by BCS (such as lumpectomy) which is followed by radiation therapy. Otherwise, the treatment is mastectomy (with or without breast reconstruction). Sentinel lymph node biopsy may be an option for some patients, but most require an axillary lymph node dissection. Surgery is usually followed by adjuvant systemic chemotherapy, and/or hormone therapy, and/or trastuzumab. Radiation after mastectomy is often recommended.

Stage 4 :Stage IV cancers have spread beyond the breast and lymph nodes to other parts of the body. Breast cancer most commonly spreads to the bones, liver, and lung. As the cancer progresses, it may spread to the brain, but it can affect any organ, even the eye.

She's been through a lot. Believe it or not  she've been to stage 5. thats the saddest part. but she survived. she survived from this little thing that can eat you out. She survived . She believe in herself that she's not going to die and left all her beloved childrens. She still wanted to see her daughter and son's growing . She decided to fight back this little cancer. 

Cancer is something that can make us weak and helpless. cancer also makes the person suffer. cancer tremendous impact for they fired. create a sense of hopelessness. But she was able to fight the disease. cancer is a death call. cancer not only ruin lives but to take the life

 to those who want to kill yourself and try to cut as ridiculed fat? bullied? cyber bullying ? for not having a thigh gap ? what the fuck ? because you lose your boyfreind? scared being bullied and stuff ? why do you care all of these thing ? why do you care about other's think ? its you who are living in your life. its yourself . no one wants to see us happy . So what im telling is stop cutting and that suicidal stuff.theres a lot of people out there actually wanted to stay alive . 

Katakan Tak Nak!
3/16/2013 04:05

Today people are quite aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. They even put smoking warning on the back of a cigarette pack. Smoking cigarettes can shorten your life by 10 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. Your lungs are a very important organ. Breath is the foundation of life and this makes your lungs one of the most vital and irreplaceable organs in your body.

Why Do People Smoke Cigarettes?

People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Three of the main reasons that young people smoke are to look mature, to be like their friends, and to experiment. If their friends or peers smoke, they may feel pressured into doing the same to be accepted. It is the excitement of experimenting with something that is forbidden. Some may say it's for fun, as they like to watch the smoke take shape. The smoke, like clouds, can form different shapes.

And for adults, they may have a lot of stress and pressures because of economic and personal problems. They may be unemployed or working but not making enough money to take care of themselves and their families. Smoking gives them pleasure. As for them, cigarettes help them to relax and blow their troubles away. It just makes them feel good. As a kid, they felt grown up. As they got older, it was just a habit. They just smoked and didn't think about it.

How Does Cigarette Smoking Affect the Lungs

Imagine your lungs being filled with dirty smoke and tar, clogging your arteries.

It causes damage by destroying the sacs that take the oxygen from the air you breath. This can cause a number of diseases including asthma, and emphysema. The most common lung diseases caused by cigarette smoking are emphysema, chronic bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer. Once you damage your lungs, they do not repair themselves. If you smoke, and you quit, then you stop further damage.

Remember, smoking kills not only your health and well-being, but also that of others, including your children. Passive smoking causes early death and health problems in children and adults who do not smoke.

How To Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. Make a firm commitment to yourself in your mind and in your heart that you will stop smoking no matter what. Use oral substitutes during the day. Nibble on cinnamon sticks, celery sticks, apples, carrot and chewing gum. Electronic cigarettes have been proven to help some quitters overcome their cravings. Even Johnny Depp uses an electronic cigarette in 'The Tourist' movie. Electronic cigarettes will absolutely save any smoker lots of money.

For more information, you can visit Gaya Hidup Sihat website.

Otak Fikiran Melayu/Malaysians ?
11/23/2012 04:31

Few days before I went to Temerloh, I had one of the best chatting experience with one of my friend. He made me realised something that is happening in Malaysia that MOST of us know but REFUSED to change about it due to their very cool social life. HAH!Melayu mudah lupa..that was what our very own Tun Dr Mahathir said.Yang banyak buang bayi, kawin lari, isap dadah, perogol, merompak semuanya MELAYU. and yet we do nothing about it. In school, the parents will always say " cina memang pandai, selalu dapat nombor satu" can we change the word cina? I mean yes melayu is bumiputera and all. but why cant melayu cina india be clever and smart equally. Without pointing the fingers that which race is smarter or stupid-er. In statistics, yes Chinese are smart. but the other races should take note on this and work harder to be on top. This is what we called persaingan sihat. But no, most of us would just sit down and relax and wont compete. Itulah takdir oleh Tuhan katanya. But I do believe that God will want us to compete in life to a better tomorrow :)When I started going to gigs, my Mom always give me advices like " dont do drugs, dont drink , remember who you are and please dont get involve with black metal and all that shit " The reason is because she doesnt know what is Gig. I bet most of the golden age people is clueless as well. But hey who am I to blame ? We do read in newspapers that a lot of stuff is happening, so parents have to be extra careful with their children. but I always wonder why my mom said that. Is not like I went for gigs and do bad stuff. But the first impression is already clear. You play rock and roll. Rock and Roll always involve with drugs and alcohol. So yeah I dont blame the parents for not letting you kids to gigs. But I am satisfied that until today, My mom still do believe in me and that she thinks that gig is the way to enjoy youngsters music! Way to go mommah !And not only that you see. We youngsters, the anak muda harapan bangsa dan negara also always forget. Terlalu bangga dan riak dgn apa yang ada. Angkuh! Bongkak! It came across to me that why we youngsters NEVER appreciate our own local acts. Yes it is good that youngsters now support our local indie scene and all, but what happened to the zaman rock melayu ? our very own Search, Black Dog Bone, Ramli Sarip and such. You cant lie that the fact that you do listen to them. But no, we prefer to put on our music interest with the one from the dunia barat. I remember how I used to singalong to Ramli Sarip's song. It was awesome I can hardly find any teenager singing to all these melayu rock. I can hear them singing incubus, paramore, we are scientists, radiohead and such. Kenapa nak kena proud dengan warga asing ? Kenapa tak boleh sokong dgn rock legenda Malaysia ? What is going to happen to our own malaysian art scene?We youngsters love to go shopping, it is a very bad word indeed cause you can just finish all your cash in one second. haha ! but have you guys noticed how manyyyyyyy youngsters are wearing tees that support the outsiders ? like wearing Marilyn Monroe's tee, New york Dolls, Elvis, Incubus and all these shit. It's not wrong buttt why do you adore them so much ? Why cant we wear our very own P Ramlee's tee, Saloma, Jins Samsudin, Search, Awie and all this legends in Malaysia ? Malu ke ? Takut tak cool dan tak hebat ? Itulah mentalili melayu. tak pernah berubah. Selalu mengagungkan benda luar dan tak reti nak appreciate benda yang ada di depan mata. Bila dah takada baru sibuk bagi anugerah sana sini. buat apa bagi anugerah bila orang tu dah ada. The person left the world without any appreciation. Bila dah mati, baru sibuk nak bagi award sana sini. Kenapa tak bagi bila masih hidup ?Bukak lah mata kamu anak anak muda. Kenapa nak hidup dgn membanggakan pihak luar. Fikirkan lah. Malaysia tanah air kita, di mana tumpahnya darah kita. Tapi dengan cara anak anak muda kita sekarang, saya yakin Malaysia akan kehilangan anak anak muda yang bijak dan pandai. dan yang paling penting yang berwawasan.* this post is not to offend anyone, this is just what I would like you people to read and think about it.